PT Factory Digital Indonesia adalah perusahan software paling cakap. Kita membuat software untuk berbagai bisnis global termasuk cms, mobile, esb, serverless, data science dan machine learning. Silakan bertanya kita tentang project anda.
Factory Digital is Indonesia's premier software consultancy. We are excellence in software.
Layanan KITA/Our services
Strategic technology consulting
Process remediation
Project triage
Bespoke software development
CErita KITA/OUR Story
Founded in Bali in 2014 as a women owned business, Factory Digital engineering has over 20 years of experience working with some of the most recognized brands in the world. We have successfully executed engagements in high-tech, manufacturing, finance, travel/hospitality, government, and marketing verticals. We have also worked with a number of renowned Silicon Valley startups. Everyone loves to do green-field but Factory Digital is also an expert in repairing broken teams and completing distressed projects. Our recent work includes Content Management Systems, e-commerce systems, business intelligence and ERP systems, Enterprise Service Bus implementations, and mobile applications.
Teknologi Kita/Our Technology
We are experts in full stack development. Our 2021 technology stacks include: Go, Rust, Solidity, Javascript, Python, Swift, PL/pgSQL, and RabbitMQ.
Pendekatan Kita/Our Approach
First and foremost we are listeners and communicators. And we don't believe in technology problems. We believe there are only business problems. Our goal is to understand our clients' fundamental needs and motivations and ensure every line of code impels their business in that direction. To see that through, our SDLC is based on kanban and we eat, sleep, and breathe two mantras: people over process over tools, and test first, damnit.
We are a lean company. It suits are on-demand, kanban weltanschauung. But we also know when to ask for help. Factory Digital is privileged to work with some of the finest professionals in the world from locations such as: JaBoDeTaBek, The San Francisco Bay Area, The Tri-State Area, Kauai, Ciudad Panamá, San Juan (Argentina), Amsterdam, Bangkok, and Ho Chi Minh City. Check out our partner Admios.
Please send inquiries to: info@factorydigital.co.id. (Kita berbicara Bahasa Indonesia! Silakan kirim bertanyaan ke info@factorydigital.co.id).